Posted by: littlehouseonthebigisland | July 5, 2015

Did you know? -Hawaii Imports 90% of It’s Food

Magic Mountain Farm producePicture 1s about 5,000 pounds of food per acre; a wide variety of herbs, fruits, nuts, coffee, greens, and of course chicken eggs.  We are organic, with as healthy of a balance as we can create with weeds, vines, insects, and so on.  We fertilize with natural products and avoid toxic chemicals.  Everything is not laid out in neat rows.  Not every square inch is planted with crops. So although we are proud of how much good food we produce, we could actually grow a great deal more, if we went all out.  And although we might get bored with what is available seasonally, I doubt we would starve, if we had to rely on what we produce on the farm.  Yet, the state of Hawaii is very dependent on food imports.  According to a recent article (see LINK below…), there is only about a three day food supply on our islands at any given time.

Interestingly, before European contact, and the diseases that came with it that decimated the native Hawaiian population, it is estimated that on the Big Island of Hawaii, where we live, there were nearly twice as many people, and of course they had to rely entirely on what could be grown and raised here, for food!


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  1. We were thinking of you all today as we gathered a group around the yard . You are were the person I thought of as we spoke of good quality souls . Very old Yankees in the rain under the porch roof…talking about life . …yah , and the stages of living . We send our love to all . Happy 4th of July weekend and always . Love to all .

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