Posted by: littlehouseonthebigisland | January 20, 2015

Home (Away from Home) for the Holidays: Part III

About once a year, unexpectedly and usually when I revisit a place I once lived, I have a spontaneous, totally unplanned most wonderful day of the year.  This time, it happened quite early, when I was visiting my daughter on the Mainland over New Year’s.  To begin with, as it turns out, New Year’s is much less stressful than most major holidays.  There are no gifts.  Decorating is optional.  And the only way I go anywhere, is if I am spending the night, to avoid being hit by a drunk driver or shot at by revelers.

Christina & Miriam

Christina & Miriam

As it happened a couple of days into January, the weather was cool and clear.  We were staying with my sister and her family and a bunch of us managed to organize ourselves by mid afternoon to go for a hike.  Two friends joined us.  Plus a dog.  We could see for miles.  Plus we stopped at a wonderful coffee shop on the way, so we were fortified and raring to go when we hit the trail.

After, I got to see a friend’s home for the first time, although she has lived there for many years.  When we got back, my brother and his family were there, happening to drop by on their travels.  He and his son stayed over night.  They learned to draw and went early to bed.  The rest of us ate dinner at midnight and played Boggle into the wee hours, laughing our fool heads off at my sister’s antics, which as always, were absolutely outrageous, which once again just goes to prove how very much fun one can have with good food, good people, pencil and paper, and a board game.

A few days later, I headed back to Little House, content and ready for the New Year to begin here in Hawaii.  Granted, I have been resting and eating more since I got back, but then again, it is winter here, too, and the nights are still cool and the days brisk and sunny, so it is good for the time being to curl up and write, or perchance to read, and when I am good and done, I will be back outside, all the live the live long day, doing what farmers do best, which is to be working with and connected to the land.

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